Monday, September 19, 2011

Teacher Leader!

Teachers spend their days introducing students to new ideas and unfamiliar content.  They guide their students and encourage them to try their best.  They challenge their students and believe that they can succeed.

As a teacher, it is just as important to learn as it is to teach! Education is constantly changing and evolving and what worked in the past may no longer be best practices.  A big area of change is that of technology.  As teachers we need to learn the best way to integrate these new practices into our teaching. 

While I am FAR from an expert in technology, I do feel like I could share a few of the ideas and programs I've learned from my technology class with my fellow teachers.  For example.....I am VERY proud to announce that Miss Hensley's class is now on twitter!  Follow us! @Miss_Hensley

I'm hoping to use this as a communication tool.  The plan is for the class to come together every afternoon to summarize what we have learned or accomplished during the day.  We'll then tweet our highlights.  This will give parents and other followers a daily look into our school day instead of just a weekly newsletter.  I'm excited!!!  I've already shared this idea with a few teachers at school, but I'm looking forward to showing our twitter page to the other classes!

1 comment:

  1. I bet having your class on twitter is a lot of fun. During the day parents could go the your twitter page and see what's happening. I think I'll have to take the plunge and setup a twitter page for my classes.
