Monday, August 29, 2011

An Overly Ambitious Day in First Grade....

So I did it.....I finally got the "Let's Do This!" attitude that I needed and took my little ones to the computer lab for the first time today.  I was able to get all 25 kids logged in and eventually onto my moodle site where they could visit any of the links I had posted for them.

They did great!  Of course not everyone knew their username or password, but being able to log on for the first time today was huge!  I also took the time to show everyone how to log onto reading counts this afternoon so that some of my strong readers can start taking quizzes over their books.  Another way to use technology to differentiate!  So proud of my little ones (and myself!) :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome to the 21st Century!

Whether you like it or not, students have changed over the years and as a result so SHOULD teachers.  Unfortunately this isn't always the case.  For a student to be successful in the 21st century, he or she must be able to communicate, collaborate, use technology, be flexible, and the list goes on!

So in order for my kiddos to be prepared, they need a prepared teacher.  Am I up for the challenge?  OF COURSE! While technology skills are just being formed in first grade, I do my best to expose them to programs such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint.  I teach them how to get on the internet and once they get to my moodle site, they are met with tons of educational links to help them explore (safely) online. 

In order for me to help my kids be prepared for the 21st century, I know I have to be willing to learn new tricks and I must also be flexible in my teaching.  I feel like my strengths are in teaching the students to work with one another and to communicate.  I do a LOT of group work with my little ones and we spend each morning during morning meeting talking and listening.  These are vital skills! I feel like my weakness lies in allowing them to jump into technology on their own.  It's so overwhelming to introduce all these computer things to the kids because in the beginning they are SO NEEDY and it's just me trying to run around and troubleshoot 25 different computers.  I know it's worth it in the long run and once the kids get the hang of things it's great to see how excited they are, but getting to that point can be a nightmare and I often get scared and push things like that off.  (For example, we are now in week 3 of school and I'm yet to take my little ones to the computer lab....I just keep waiting for that day I'm super ambitious.  It's coming....I promise!).

Do my students leave my classroom equipped for success using 21st century skills?  Hmm....I feel like my students leave my classroom with the best grasp they can have on these skills by the age of 7.  Do all of my kids work together effectively?  Can each of them communicate exactly what is going on in their little minds at each moment?  Are they "fluent" in powerpoint?  NOT SO MUCH!  But are all high schoolers capable of those things?  I feel like I do my part to set them up with a strong foundation and I know I put them in good hands as I send them on their way to 2nd grade. :-)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fearless in First!

So often when trying to incorporate technology in my classroom, I feel something holding me back.  Maybe it's the fact that I DREAD when something goes wrong and for some reason if something CAN go wrong, it will.  My new attitude towards technology (and other things!) is to be fearless!  The worst thing that can happen is there will be problems and we'll move on to plan B.  Isn't that what teaching is all about?  It's rare a single day goes by without minor changes here or there.  If teachers can't be flexible....maybe teaching isn't for them!

In our school we have a computer lab and a media center where there is another classroom set of computers.  My class is signed up for 3 half hour slots to use these computers each week.  Twice for a math program and the third time is for whatever I would like the kids to work on.  I have a moodle site that I teach the kids to get on early in the year and I post link regularly for my little ones to explore and have extra practice at home.  They love it....and so do I! I LOVE when one of my firsties asks "Miss Hensley, will you put that on your Moodle?"  MY PLEASURE!  I use my projector on a daily basis to show the kids websites and documents saved on my computer.  I do have a total of 3 computers in my classroom that we use for reading counts quizzes and stations.  I feel like I do a pretty good job of meeting technology standards for the kids at this age.  Really I just try to expose them to basic programs they will be using throughout school.

I will admit, there are a few barriers at school when it comes to technology use.  Our network isn't always up and running.  For some reason if it rains, our internet connection is pretty hit and miss.  Maybe it's a coincidence and the rain has nothing to do with it, but I do know there are times when we just can not get on.  Its frustrating!  Especially frustrating on those days when my kids are sceduled for computer lab time or I've found a really neat site or video I want to share with my kiddos.  Also, I would LOVE to get some extra computer time here and there, but there are so many computer programs we use as a school that oftentimes the older kids get dibs on the extra computer slots.  Oh well!

My personal goals as I begin this technology class are to have an open mind and to be fearless!  I want to have the courage to try new things with my kids.  I'm hoping to find some things that would really benefit my little ones.  (I also must admit that im a HUGE blog stalker and the thought of starting my own blog has me pretty *EXCITED*!)