Monday, October 17, 2011

Blast from the Past

It's amazing how little ones have NO idea of "past."  The term itself really has no meaning to them.  We went to Conner Prairie last Friday.  For those of you not from Indiana, it's like a living museum where the kids get to explore what life was like in the past.  The workers are dressed up and pretend to still live in the old days.  Watching the kids explore this "new world" is always amusing.  It just doesn't make sense to them why people would have lived that way!

Personally, I always enjoy visiting the old schoolhouse.  The teacher told us he has 9 students in his class, 8 boys and 1 girl (bless her heart).  I began thinking that 9 students didn't sound too bad!  That was until he explained that he had students who were 6 and students who were 19.  WOOO WEEEE and I thought I had a lot of differentiation going on in my room.  It's funny because there has been such a stress lately on differentiation and teaching to students' level.  Can you imagine teaching way back when?  That would have kept us hopping for sure!

But it was a great trip and I really enjoyed myself.  The kids learn so much and it really makes the past come alive for them.  I love when kids can be hands-on and explore!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Techy Teacher?!?

I'm not going to lie, when I saw my next course on my list of masters classes was a technology class I definitely let out a groan.  My technology class I took during undergrad was probably one of my least favorite college classes I took.  It was hard and overwhelming and my professor offered little support. She spoke in another language....a technology language that I simply did not understand. 

But I am PLEASED to announce that this class was no where near the same experience!  I feel like I walked away from this class with technology knowledge that I am sure to use in the classroom; in fact, I've already begun to implement some of it!  The greatest area of growth for me was definitely my level of confidence.  I'm no longer SCARED to use technology, I daresay I'm excited about it! 

My teaching has changed in that I try to find ways that my kiddos can be more engaged through technology.  I look actively for websites for them to use for practice and for ideas for me on blogs.  We use twitter daily as a form of communication for parents.  I know that the kids are more excited when learning involves technology and I've been able to overcome my fear, therefore benefiting my students!  YAY!