Sunday, October 2, 2011

Techy Teacher?!?

I'm not going to lie, when I saw my next course on my list of masters classes was a technology class I definitely let out a groan.  My technology class I took during undergrad was probably one of my least favorite college classes I took.  It was hard and overwhelming and my professor offered little support. She spoke in another language....a technology language that I simply did not understand. 

But I am PLEASED to announce that this class was no where near the same experience!  I feel like I walked away from this class with technology knowledge that I am sure to use in the classroom; in fact, I've already begun to implement some of it!  The greatest area of growth for me was definitely my level of confidence.  I'm no longer SCARED to use technology, I daresay I'm excited about it! 

My teaching has changed in that I try to find ways that my kiddos can be more engaged through technology.  I look actively for websites for them to use for practice and for ideas for me on blogs.  We use twitter daily as a form of communication for parents.  I know that the kids are more excited when learning involves technology and I've been able to overcome my fear, therefore benefiting my students!  YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your upcoming classes! Have a great school year!
