Thursday, September 1, 2011

I've got SKILLS!

Software skills that is! I use a variety of software on a regular basis in my classroom.  I use Publisher every week to create my newsletter.  I use Word to create documents for the kids all the time.  I enjoy using PowerPoint for things like jeopardy games, making words, and informative slideshows for my little ones.  I've recently become addicted to Google Reader because it helps me keep up with all my amazing teacher blogs and Google Docs helps me save all those amazing *freebies* so that I have access both at home and at school.  The beauties of technology!

My goal this year is to become a Mobi board master.  Our school has 2 Mobi boards per grade level (for 4 teachers to share).  I'm yet to get a chance to tackle it yet, but I'm ready to try!  I will admit....last year I didn't jump on board.  I let a few of the other teachers try first because I've felt like I already had my hands full....the last thing I needed was another piece of technology that could crash and burn while I was in the middle of a lesson!  But this year I'm FEARLESS IN FIRST and I'm ready to take on the challenge.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with a Mobi board, it's basically like a Smartboard except it's a small table that the teacher can use to walk around the room and use.  By writing on the tablet, it is projected onto the computer/projector for the class to see.  You can also use manipulatives on the screen and use the tablet like a mouse.  Basically you can control your computer without actually being at your computer!  You can walk around while teaching a lesson and keep those kiddos on their toes!  How perfect is that?

So my plan of action is to beg and plead with the teacher across the hall to share her little Mobi board with me!  I need to ask my amazing tech specialist at school for a little refresher on how to use the manipulatives on the screen.  I want to practice a little bit before I unveil my new technology to my kiddos.  Hopefully I can get these beginning steps accomplished in the next month and I'll be a pro!  I'll let you know when it's up and running in Miss Hensley's room. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think the Mobi has a lot of potential. You not only can walk around the room and interact with your board, but students can also do the same. This would add a new dynamic to the classroom. The students would be excited to use it, thus they're engaged and into the lesson. Good luck, I hope she is willing to share her "toy" with you.
